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The wild story of Michael Fagan and how he managed to break into Buckingham Palace

This article is on the subject of Michael Fagan the historical figure mentioned in Season 4 of the Crown. In 1982, Michael Fagan managed to breach the walls of Buckingham Palace; break through a staff window, wander around the palace, and eventually land in the Queen ‘s bedroom.

Fagan, according to history, was a troubled individual but particularly not quite on his own accord. Stamped out by the rising unemployment; civil unrest, and lack of help from the state during Thatcher ‘s reign —- Fagan was at a brick road in his life. Certainly nobody should ever break into place’s that aren’t there’s — however much more should’ve been done to address the fact Margaret Thatcher single-handedly brought often more trouble than good to the United Kingdom.

On the night of 9 July 1982 shortly after 9pm locale time — Fagan managed to breach the walls of Buckingham Palace and up a shaft near a staff bedroom. In fact, he managed to do so indirectly and quietly that he managed to slide through the palace and into what is called The Gift Room.

There he drank wine and fled shortly after. He returned a second time shortly after but this time ended up in the Queen ‘s bedroom after having lost his children; social services benefits, and essentially was out on his arse.

This time however was the end of his spree. At the time of the occurrence, trespassing wasn’t quite a criminal offence in the United Kingdom but rather a violation of sorts. He was committed to a mental hospital for upwards of 6 months and then released — but would go on to commit further acts of crime that would define him as a lunatic throughout history.

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