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Witnesses may get called in #ImpeachmentTrial after all: Report

Amid the stunning revelations from John Bolton — some Republicans are now sounding the alarm that witnesses may be called after all. According to reports, Mitt Romney and Susan Collins are now calling it that Republicans may call witnesses after all following claims by Bolton in his book that Trump directly told him/ordered the aide to Ukraine be withheld.

Although unauthorised the excerpts were leaked Monday morning in stunning revelations that have Trump ‘s defence already on the offense. In typical Trump fashion, Trump has already publicly claimed that he never told Bolton that and this is simply “a move to sell books.” But despite such, due to Bolton ‘s close nature to the government and the Trump administration, we must reiterate that the claims are being taken very seriously.

It is being widely reported that Republicans are now convening in what may be a tidal wave reversal against Mitch McConnell.

It’s increasingly apparent that it would be important to hear from John Bolton,’ Romney told reporters on Capitol Hill Monday.

‘I of course will make a final decision on witnesses after we hear not only from the prosecution but from the defense,’ he said. ‘I think at this stage it’s fair to say John Bolton has a relevant testimony.’

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