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Source: Trump Administration told ICahn of Tariffs before they happened

WASHINGTON —     Insider secrets are a thing, especially in investments, and  they are exactly the kind of secrets that were reportedly exchanged between the Trump Administration and billionaire investor  Carl ICahn.   ICahn, just days before the tariffs were announced, dumped millions of his stock in a company that primarily depends on steel.

Sources exclusively reveal to The Daily News that ICahn “Knew of the upcoming tariffs because he  was already given knowledge of them from inside of the White House.    He knew the exact time; day, and how they would be implemented.    This is why he quietly began to sell his stocks via  Manitowoc Company before he would have lost about $6million”.

Which came out to be exactly correct as Trump made the actual announcement.  After Trump made the announcement,   Manitowoc  & Company lost about 5.6% of their  shares come trading time  (which literally meant had ICahn not sold his shares he would have lost  $6million).

According to SEC filings (secretly and quietly filed just before he started selling)   ICahn  started officially toying with the idea of and actually preparing to sell just as the Department of Commerce was formulating the announcement.

Reps for ICahn refused to comment on how exactly he knew of the tariffs before anybody else did, further, calling the claim that he was “informed prior to the tariffs”  pure speculation.

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