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Theresa May is spying on you, and, thinks nothing is wrong with it

MAY1LONDON — If you’ve recently used coffee shops; libraries, or anything of the like — be prepared for a new “Snoopers Charter” legislative bill that could lead to all of your internet traffic and ramblings online being saved by the very same places you frequent to connect to the world. Home Secretary Theresa May, er, has something that has come to be known as the “Snoopers Charter”, a bill, that would require such places to retain internet traffic records no matter the case.

Now here’s where it gets difficult.

In the “Sweeping Powers Bill”  such investigative powers are granted to British spies; agency’s, and  the like that include the collection of bank records; medical data, internet traffic, and even what you do in the supermarket. Yet, Theresa May told MP’s yesterday in a joint hearing that “Mass surveillance doesn’t exist in the United Kingdom”.

It was revealed  just last year that the GCHQ was “downloading large amounts of data on everyday Britons and citizens to aid in their investigations” and as some MP’s and politicians noted in the hearing “everyday people that have no interest to intelligence officials”.

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