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Iran is aiding and abetting Russia in avoiding sanctions over its war

But it remains unclear exactly how the West will respond to new reports that Iranian officials are essentially committing a very real crime on top of aiding and abetting a war criminal. According to research reports released this weekend, it has been found that Iranian black-market ships are allegedly being used to help transport the Kremlin’s oil to locations in which buyers are. Because of the initial sanctions Russia obviously couldn’t and can’t perform this action themselves.

This fleet of ships is understood to be known as the “Ghost of Armada” within Iran. The information appears to come from a group called United Against Nuclear Iran (UANI). The group notably claims to have identified at least 5 or more armada ships that are using faulty technology to fool authorities. Those technologies do, however, seem pretty advanced to the ordinary person. Research shows that the armada fleet has up to 123 vessels and has the ability to “fool its flag” leaving authorities confused about where it came from; fake documentation and even GPS tampering making it look like the ship(s) are parked at the port when they’re not.

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