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The IRS has announced that it will not require Americans to submit to facial recognition to log into their accounts

Americans can breathe a sigh of relief as if dealing with the IRS isn’t already a task in itself due to it being far outdated compared to modern times. According to IRS commissioner Charles Rettig, the American tax agency has announced that it will revert against its own plans to in the coming months require that Americans facially verify themselves to login into accounts related to IRS activity. Of course the idea had quickly picked up backlash online mostly due to privacy concerns and that of the fact that such would only make paying taxes far more difficult.

The controversy surrounds the intended use of a facial recog service called ID.me which has been accused of racial bias and hiding things from people in the past. Though they’ve chosen not to use this particular service at this time, they did not confirm whether or not they’d move away from facial recognition services all together. This rule had applied to any new user who had sought to sign up to have immediate account access to their tax profiles in America.

The IRS announced it will transition away from using a third-party service for facial recognition to help authenticate people creating new online accounts. The transition will occur over the coming weeks in order to prevent larger disruptions to taxpayers during filing season,’ the federal agency said.

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