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A stunning study may finally answer one of the most tantalizing questions about how life on earth began

That is because the study appears to have found out why and particularly how oxygen came to be on earth subsequently resulting in life as we know it. According to a new study, oxyen got its way of life after the days on earth got much longer. Oddly enough, earth once had six hour days (presumably billions of years ago) but now days go in 24 hour intervals.

The consequences of that have obviously played their part in climate change and how we view our actions against mother nature. Published in Nature Geoscience — researchers are pushing a new theory that some 2.4B years ago (when earth had not allot of oxygen then) the days suddenly got longer. During that time period, plants and animals could not really breathe on earth due to the atmospheric climate.

During their discoveries in Lake Huron Michigan — researchers found what appear to be called cyanobacteria at the bottm of the oceanic current. It took roughly about 400 million years for the ocean to help boost what would become of the oxygen on earth to make life possible.

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