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U.S realtor groups are trying to get the Supreme Court to greenlight throwing Americans out of their homes

U.S realtor groups in America really want to evict people —- they’re now asking the Supreme Court to grant them the right to do so. A wave of eviction (s) may follow.

U.S trade groups representing some of the most prolific landlords in America are gearing up for a landmark Supreme Court case. Since pretty much the onset of the pandemic, landlords have been prevented from evicting people on the basis of a public health emergency. That initial order came from the Centres for Disease Control, the American organisation charged with tackling public health especially in the name of a crisis.

But realtor groups have long argued against it. In their request to the Supreme Court, realtor groups are arguing that the CDC had no right to protect Americans and keep them in their homes and instead should’ve allowed evictons. The case is still developing so information is pretty limited at this time.

The current moratorium is set to expire in July though it is unclear if any further extensions will be granted as Americans are still trying to claw their way back to stability. Realtor groups are claiming in documents that they’re up to $13B in unpaid rent every month since the pandemic has actually started.

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