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Find Out How These Five Jobs Overcame Covid-19

The year 2019 was moderate and stable for the world’s economy. An IMF report said that 2019 closed with a growth of 3.2 percent and that the projections for 2020 were 3.5 percent. However, an unexpected factor hit our world: the coronavirus. This disease continues to be responsible for many problems in the economy and the health of human beings, and its consequences continue to grow every day.

Thousands of companies closed, and some companies laid off hundreds of employees to sustain their investment—an unprecedented collapse. Keeping a traditional job in times of Covid-19 is a difficult task. However, in this chaotic context, many industries were able to maintain their stability and were even able to grow to historic levels. What did these jobs do to be successful during the coronavirus? Pay attention to the five most resilient jobs during the pandemic.

  1. Doctors and Nurses

To combat a pandemic, it is necessary to have the right personnel for this task, which is why in 2020 the professions related to health and medical care were among the best paid and with the highest demand in almost every country in the world. Governments and hospitals worked together to fight the virus, and that effort also represented pay increases and incentives to secure jobs.

Nurses in the United States began to earn between $8,000 and $10,000 each week, a figure that explains the importance of these workers for the well-being of all people. We must remember that doctors and nurses are the groups most affected by the virus due to constant contact with those infected.

  1. Software Development

While many companies were laying off their workers due to the Covid-19 crisis, tech companies had the privilege of hiring new employees and reaching levels of growth never seen before. This is easy to explain: the lockdown limited people to carry out all their activities remotely, from buying food or clothes to studying and working.

Thanks to this involuntary demand, the income of the tech industry grew, which made it possible to optimize services and software. In 2019, about 1.5 million people worked in these positions. Software developers had an amazing year, obtaining salary increases, promotions in their companies, and many other benefits. A study by the U.S. Bureau Of Labor Statistics (BLS) says the software development market will grow 22 percent from 2019 to 2029.

  1. E-Commerce

Again, technology is essential in the success of many jobs, this time with e-commerce. During 2020, both online store owners and independent sellers were able to earn thousands of dollars in profit thanks to the high demand for these services.

The closure of physical stores was the main reason that digital commerce could reach more people. This method was the safest and most efficient during the pandemic, preventing users from leaving their homes. In this competition, Amazon was the main winner.

  1. Delivery Services

The work of delivering packages, food, clothing, and medicine has never paid as well as in 2020. Workers at delivery companies had a busy but profitable year. The salary of these employees grew in many companies, which explains the importance of these activities for people’s health. E-commerce would be nothing without delivery services.

Both restaurant delivery employees and wholesale dispatch truck drivers can say that Covid-19 was not an obstacle to their finances. The case of Uber is interesting: while its travel services had negative numbers, Uber Eats—a food delivery subsidiary—grew like never before, doubling its production figures.

  1. Online Teachers

The closure of schools and universities did not stop the power of education. The pandemic brought learning to online platforms. Through apps like Zoom or Google Classroom, millions of students were able to continue with their classes and courses. One of the jobs with the best demand and earnings were online teachers, especially those in specific courses, such as languages ​​or tech careers.


A key to understanding the concept of resilience is to see what tools allow you to adapt and prevail in circumstances like these. In this list, we see that most jobs have a direct relationship with technology. This industry was essential so that many companies could maintain their economic activities and not lay off their employees. The year 2020 and Covid-19 were just a test to understand why it is essential to maintain a constant alliance with the digital world.

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