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Even more, allegations have surfaced against Marilyn Manson

Disgraced singer Marilyn Manson has some explaining to do. Just weeks after the initial allegations brought on by Evan Rachel Wood surfaced, even more allegations and problematic social posts are appearing in connection to the same scandal. This time Game of Thrones actress Esme Bianco has come out confirming she too has encountered Manson and was violently attacked on numerous occasions by the musician.

In a bombshell interview with The Cut, Bianco acknowledged her relationship with Manson which had begun a reported 12 years ago in 2009. At the time, she had as she noted moved from London out of a troubled marriage and into what had become a troubled relationship with the disgraced star.

“At first there was a honeymoon period” Bianco said in the interview. But like with allot of relationships, that honeymoon period quickly came to an end after Manson’s alleged controlling and violent behaviour became obvious. In the same interview Bianco acknowledged that Manson had chased her with an ax; cut her torso, and often had tried to control almost her every move.

‘I basically felt like a prisoner,’ she told The Cut. ‘I came and went at his pleasure. Who I spoke to was completely controlled by him.’ 

In one instance Bianco recalled how Manson would use her own movie roles against her particularly nude ones. As someone best known for having played a sex worker on Game of Thrones, Bianco at times was nude in particular scenes. According to Bianco, he would use those scenes and show them to his entourage in an effort to discredit and embarrass her.

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