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Obituary: Donald Trump ‘s Presidency (2017-2021)

A one term President he was. Though in that one term the reign of Donald Trump caused near irreversible damage to the fabric of American life. A fabric that was defined by nationalism; racism, homophobia, and pro-whiteness. During his tenure Trump and his followers had repeatedly called for the end of things like the BET Awards because they cause divisiveness. But on the same accord often argued for things like the 1776 commission; Patriot studies in schools, and often attempted to disregard and throw to the side anyone who was not white.

Trump ‘s dog-and-pony-show was just that. A dog and pony show that appealed during his tenure to the ugliest part of America. The part of America that has not quite left 1957. The part of America that will say one thing; mean another, and then act as if something or partaking in something may be bad or wrong but so long as a Black or Brown person isn’t involved suddenly its passable. Suddenly it becomes patriotic.

On the morning of 20 January 2021 one thing became clear. The act is up. America finally woke up to realize that the last four years weren’t some twisted horror movie but in fact reality. That reality now being over.

But it comes with a lesson. Black and Brown people have only ever argued to be treated the same as their white counterparts in all aspects of life. If the reign of Trump didn’t teach one anything else — please understand that his Presidency was a shining example of why Black and Brown people or (BIPOC) feel the need to fight for their rights in 2021.

Because somewhere deep in fucking America there is a crazed group of 3 percenters who believes BIPOC don’t deserve to exist in the United States. That somehow the existence of Black and Brown people has plagued the streets of America. But with the end of his reign of terror, I have to ask, maybe they should ask themselves why they stole Black people and brought them here to begin with if that was how they felt?

But we know why. To the far-far-right Black and Brown people (BIPOC) were never meant to be free. They were always meant to be enslaved or in some form made a servant to someone else. They shout; scream, and violently assault others (including government forces) talking about “Make America Great Again.”

America doesn’t need a reminder to know that the basis of Trump ‘s MAGA slogan quite literally references anytime roughly before 1968. They think America was great during that time.

Trump ‘s Presidency ultimately didn’t survive. His feeble mind; ego, and laughable need to blanket modern existence in whiteness resulted in an early Presidential death. The death of a career that had he and his followers had hoped would make him the first known dictator in American history. Though it is inevitable that at some point in history America likely will have a dictator — Trump wasn’t that one.

Here’s to hoping that unity can be defined for real this time and there is an honest attempt to do so rather than cloak it behind white supremacy.

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