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The U.S’s first COVID-19 vaccine is here

Last updated on 2020-12-11

In a unanimous decision — the FDA advisory board tasked with approving things like vaccinations has given its blessing. Shortly after 5pm EST, the advisory board confirmed publicly that the first round of vaccinations had been approved in the country’s question to conduct a mass vaccination programme.

The U.S is now poised to begin vaccinations within days to certain demographics; older adults, and healthcare workers first. Some states will even beginning vaccinating prisoners first due to their overcrowding in the U.S’s horrible jail system. Ordinary Americans will likely have to wait until Spring or later for their chance at a vaccine.

That doesn’t come without much discussion though. According to a recent study released this week, only about 25% of Black American adults admitted to the fact that they’d actually get the Coronavirus vaccine. That comes in part because of an extensive untrustworthy relationship with the government and most things to do with medicine. On a numer of occasions throughout history, the U.S government has given things to Black people that they say are one thing and come to find out it was the polar opposite.

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