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Boris Johnson will not shut parliament if he loses no confidence vote: Sky News

The battle over Brexit has come down to the final 80 days — a feat that has the world on edge as Britain stands to lose more than it probably has ever imagined. First up, on Sunday documents leaked to the Sunday Times confirmed that the government is well aware that without a deal shortages across the Britain are imminent.

Those documents clearly lay out the fact that Britain will suffer greatly from shortages in food; fuel, medicine, trade, and incoming shipments. For example, the documents lay out one key component Johnson is refusing to acknowledge: the many and often problematic issues with the idea of a hard border with Ireland.

But the problem doesn’t stop there. According to Sky News, lawmakers are denying reports that Johnson plans to close Parliament in a desperate bid to force Brexit (although the likelihood of that working is slim.)

The situation could turn even more grim however. Sky also reports that talks of a no confidence vote if Brexit fails are on the horizon.

This comes as 100 MPs in Johnson’s own government are beginning to turn the tide against him, demanding that he recall lawmakers from their summer recess in a last ditch effort to break the Brexit deadlock.

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