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5 Steps To Getting A New Job When Your Record Is Tarnished

5 Steps To Getting A New Job When Your Record Is Tarnished

Getting the right job when your record is tarnished could be an uphill task. It requires that you go out of your way to impress the potential employer. You should convince them that you can make it despite the reputation. Also, you need to prove that you have overcome the past and ready to move on. Start your journey by improving your LinkedIn profile. Then apply for jobs that best match your skills.  Here are the steps you can take to help you get a new job.

1. Assess the damage

The extent to which the reputation is damaged is essential when looking for a new job. It gives you a baseline on what you should do to improve on the situation. Find out if there is anything on social media that anyone may use to get you bundled out of your new prospect. Look at how the traditional news outlets perceived the act. Then, find a way of defending yourself if your potential employer broaches the subject. For instance a response such as ‘’it was an isolated case that was resolved’’ could help you.

2. Rebrand yourself

It is possible to restore your reputation by rebranding yourself. You can do this by volunteering to serve in your community to show the world that you are not what people think you are. If you are a member of any professional group or association, serve in their committees. Also, ensure you take part in conferences. It shows that you are self-motivated. It can also help you showcase your functional expertise and knowledge.

3. Set realistic goals

Look at what damaged your reputation and set goals that you can attain with that background. For instance, if you have faced charges of molesting children, go for jobs that have nothing to do with children. If you have been accused of sexual harassment, go for jobs with fewer people from that gender.

4. Tell the truth

If the matter crops up in an interview, tell the truth.  Explain the circumstances without trying to blame the other person. You should also not paint yourself blameless. This way, the potential employer will appreciate your willingness to be accountable. Remember not to badmouth your former employer or a coworker.

5. Clean up your name

If you were accused of violating company policy at your former workplace, you need to clean up your name. It should be done regardless of whether the accusation was true or false. You may clean it by being responsive to your colleagues. Also, follow workplace policies and enhance your interpersonal relationship skills. The worst thing you can do is to make excuses for the behavior. Consider taking a course in ethics if the accusation involved work habits.Generally, when your reputation is damaged, the first thing you need to do is to assess the extent of the damage. You should then embark on improving your status before you start looking for a new job. If you are going for tests, consider quick fix 6.2 options.

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