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Afternoon Roundup: 5 things to know on this Tuesday afternoon

Tuesday afternoon has been yet another interesting day in newspaper headlines. This guide expands from North America to Asia and everywhere in between and is brought to you by AMEX.

  1. Ukraine now says it is willing to negotiate a neutral nuclear state in an effort to end the war

Ukraine ‘s President Zelenskiy has revealed that negotiations among other things will include the idea of Ukraine maintaining a neutral nuclear status in an effort to appease Vladamir Putin. This would mean that Ukraine is being forced into such a state by a hostile enemy and the world is doing nothing about it.

2. A “Z” symbol in Germany likely will lead to jail time for this individual

Amid the letter Z being turned into a hostile symbol of war by the Russians German officials are investigating a Z symbol or the use of such throughout the country in almost any format. The symbol stands for “For Victory” using the Russian term of . The areas of Bavaria, Saxony, and Lower Saxony, while officials in Baden-Württemberg, North Rhine-Westphalia, and Saxony-Anhalt have all announced that their respective areas would prosecute such use or promotion.

3. Flash star Ezra Miller has been arrested in Hawaii

Following reports that the U.S actor hurled verbal insults at another patron after a group was singing karaoke in the bar. Miller reportedly flipped out on scene and was later charged with disorderly conduct and harassment in connection to the issue.

4. Here are some professional tips to help manage social anxiety (because if the pandemic taught us anything else this is very real.)

5. The Solomon Islands are facing a security problem and they’re looking to China for help.

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