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China has closed its borders as the Coronavirus ravages the rest of the world

HONG KONG — As Hong Kong prepares and continues to get back to normal life (alike mainland China, Chinese officials have sealed their borders to foreigners in an effort to reportedly quash a further outbreak or another round of the Coronavirus in the country. While that may be the case, it does however, appear that the country might be dealing with something far worse.

This week it emerged that a Chinese man quietly died of something known as the Hantavirus. (see here.). At this time it remains pretty unclear how he managed to get a primarily rat-infested virus that isn’t known to transfer to humans — but officials were able to confirm his death by a said virus.

MOSTLY — you don’t have anything to worry about when it comes to this virus. Unless of course, you suddenly find yourself in a room full of rats. Marketwatch has a pretty good explainer of what exactly this virus is and why it comes from rats.

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