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It’s okay to distance yourself from your “parents”

Living in New York has really taught me the epitome of independence and how to learn to live for myself and have fun while doing it. Unlike others, I have had little to no interaction with my adopted or biological parents — but that decision didn’t come easily. I think like most troubled relationships with your parent(s) take a drain on your emotional capacity at some point, that it becomes a matter of escape as fast as you can or be stuck forever.

Growing up, I was always told that I had to do certain things a certain way; talk a certain way, would end up in jail because I’m gay, and then came the newspapers. My adopted mother and I haven’t formally spoken for more t than 15 minutes in almost 3 years. Failing to understand the concept that as a failed Mom, she hurt me in more ways than one and refuses to acknowledge that. I am not a monster never was one, I am a human trying to navigate this game of life.

The same goes for my biological Mom. Although I love her dearly, she equally has played a cunning part in my own emotional struggles. But what will it take for parents like mine and those of so many others to wake up and just be normal? That’s a question I’ve asked myself allot lately.

I’m not a mouthpiece. I will not pen a statement denying everything they’ve ever done. I will not lie for them. Although sometimes it does get extremely lonely living in New York without a family (my god parents don’t live here). I’ve become okay with distancing myself from my family.

A hard lesson I’ve learned is that sometimes even your own familial relationships can be toxic.

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