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DOJ has been asked to investigate Trump over claims he improperly handled important records meant for archives

Yet another new turn in the case against Donald Trump and that of the insurrection on the Capitol of America. According to reports, the National Archives has asked the DOJ to investigate reports and the actions of Donald J. Trump that resulted in roughly 15 boxes of Presidential documents ending up at Mar-a-Lago. It is unclear at this time how they ended up there entirely but it is believed that Trump unlawfully removed them from the White House after shredding a huge number of the documents in question.

Sources tell the Washington Post that federal investigators have been asked to intervene amid reports that Trump in fact violated the federal records act. The federal records act in essence requires that such mementos; records, logs, letters, and most things in between be preserved for the archives following the end of one’s Presidency. Trump did not comply with that law.

The documents in question reportedly contained everything from Presidential letters; letters from North Korea, a letter from Barack Obama and other things related to Trump ‘s presidency. Trump has denied any wrongdoing.

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