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Rep Ted Cruz is attempting to have the Supreme Court undo an anti-corruption law, here’s what that means

Texas Rep Ted Cruz (R) has an amusingly bad new idea for the Supreme Court to take up. According to the docket of The Federal Election Committee vs Ted Cruz for Senate, the current sitting Senator is attempting to force the government to undo a 2001 legal provision that prevents candidates from pretty much profiting off of loans that were given by them to their own campaign (some with very high-interest rates.)

At the time of the 2001 provision, it was thought that these loans were being used as “vehicles” to eventually be able to hone in and bribe an elected official (in modern terms one could possibly call this dark money.”)

DEFINITION: Dark money in politics is described as financial proceeds that don’t have a clear source and is often described as money meant to influence ideas that are otherwise bad. Hint: Rebekah Mercer.

This case is set to be heard Wednesday.

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