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India ‘s government is investigating a fake website that offered innocent Muslim women for “sale”

A shocking find in India has government officials scrambling to investigate the origins of a website that appeared to offer women for sale. Local reports in the region confirmed on Tuesday that government heads are investigating reports of the site after numerous photographs of women apparently turned up online unsuspecting to many of the women in the photographs.

The site first appeared on what is called Github (that’s a US coding like website where folks can go to launch software and other things.) In that version of the site, words like Bulli Bai were used to describe the women that were purposely being offered for sale. Government heads admit that this is the second time in a year that such a fake auction website has actually appeared online. Bulli Bai means vulgar slang for the word “penis” in southern India with a word common in northern India meaning “maid,”

Of course both instances have sparked significant controversy in the country. CNN reports that Github has since taken action on what appears to be the main account responsible for the site.

“GitHub has longstanding policies against content and conduct involving harassment, discrimination, and inciting violence,” a spokesperson said. “We suspended a user account following the investigation of reports of such activity, all of which violate our policies.”

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