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These American billionaires received taxpayer funded stimulus checks during the pandemic even though they didn’t need them

Billionaires tend to have reputations that far exceed anything positive and this piece probably won’t help. But according to a new report, numerous billionaires based in America actually received taxpayer funded stimulus checks during the onset of the Coronavirus natural disaster (aka pandemic.) These billionaires absolutely don’t and didn’t need the help but it appears only two of them actually returned the unneeded cash infusion.George Soros and his son (both returned)

It wasn’t initially publicly known but the Soros family received at least two members of this billionaire family received stimulus checks. It is unclear exactly how much the checks were per the Huff Post, however, it has been confirmed this actually happened. Reps for both members confirmed that the checks were swiftly returned as they weren’t needed.

ProPublica actually got their hands on dozens of IRS records that confirmed the news. The list also includes billionaire movie moguls; real estate heads, and other ultrawealthy people who are keen to tax breaks and massive scale deductions.

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