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Biden Administration toying with “bill of rights” to save off the inevitable arrival of obscenely powerful AI technology

As the days go on mankind is getting ever so closer to the inevitable fact that artificial intelligence is coming. And as a result of that reality, countries including the United States are swiftly moving to build what is now known as a bill of rights to protect people from it in the event said technology goes rogue or is used for nefarious reasons.

We’ve seen this movie before. The AP reports that Biden ‘s science advisors are the ones who made the proposal because let’s face it this technology can do things that mankind cannot and some of those things might be really bad. The White House agrees and has since confirmed reports that they’re trying to work out a bill of rights to stave off threats to personal guaranteed rights and safety.

A stunning editorial in Wired Magazine lays out the case for the bill of rights…

 “Enumerating the rights is just a first step,” they wrote. “What might we do to protect them? Possibilities include the federal government refusing to buy software or technology products that fail to respect these rights, requiring federal contractors to use technologies that adhere to this ‘bill of rights,’ or adopting new laws and regulations to fill gaps.”

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