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Nipah, a lethal virus, is taking hold in India pushing officials to scramble to contain it: Reports

Known as the Nipah (or NiV) virus the virus is understood to be at least 40-75% deadlier than the Coronavirus according to the World Health Organisation. Reports show that the virus has been discovered in the Coronavirus ravaged India, where, the country itself has already desperately struggled to contain an already deadly virus that has killed scores of Indian citizens.

“The virus has been shown to spread from person-to-person in these outbreaks, raising concerns about the potential for NiV to cause a global pandemic,” the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said.

Media reports in India confirm that officials are conducting strong surveillance In hot-bed areas that the 12-year-old boy (who died) appears to have been in or communicated with others in. The virus was first found in 1999 with about 100 human transmissions at that point. According to what we could find about its history, it was first discovered in Malaysia and Singapore.

The virus has not yet left India although that may change if officials cannot keep up with its detection. The CDC in America notes that the virus has very similar if not identical complications to that of the actual Coronavirus.

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