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Astronomers have made a stunning discovery in space (yet again)

As part of our commitment to keeping people informed about things the media doesn’t usually conform too, we’re excited to bring you the next installment in our Space series. Acording to reports, astronomers have made a stunning discovery in Space of a hot new planet. Known formally as TOI-1518b, the explanet as it is known actually has an atmosphere that contains oddly enough iron.

Here’s what we know so far:

According to NASA, the planet has about twice the mass of that of Jupiter and is roughly about as hot as Jupiter if not higher.

The planet was discovered by NASA ‘s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite  while it was surveying nearby stars.

For more information and to read more about the cool find visit NASA ‘s website to see this one and many more finds they’ve made in the past year. All of the finds are part of the larger (“human”) led effort to determine if there are any kind of life forms on these planets or nearby them. The general consensus is that somewhere out there life forms are probable meaning that we are more than likely not alone in the universe.

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