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It looks like Washington has decided to get it together, a legislative infrastructure bill has been announced

Washington has announced this evening that a bipartisan legislative bill focusing on a massive infrastructure package has once again gained steam. Though it’s worth noting here that while general infrastructure is vital in this bill, it has not yet addressed the opposite human infrastructure bill which currently faces strong opposition from Republican leaders party-wide.

The bipartisan group of senators has finished writing the text of the infrastructure bill,” the New York Democrat Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said, “And in a moment I’ll take the procedural steps to make their legislative language the base of the bill here on the floor.”

CNN reports that the near 2,000 page document has had quite a few changes and is understood to be unnecessarily heavy on paper. The bill does include funding for what would become America ‘s first federally operated charging station for electrical cars.

Some key parts that most will find are suitable for aging America and the need to update much of the software and things that make America move:

  1. The bill includes funding to bring in better and update current light and passenger rail in the United States. This was a win for those seeking to bring America current in the train race. Most modern accessible countries have glorious transit systems which has left America in the dust for decades.
  2. The bill also includes funding to repair the electrical grid. Against the backdrop of the possibility of foreign powers shutting down America ‘s power grid, funding in the billions, has been approved to modernize and update the system so that it can withstand modern usage.
  3. It also includes $65 billion to further expand broadband internet access in America. Internet connections in America aren’t despite popular belief widely available to everyone. Where they are present they are often not that reliable. The announcement that the bill included funding for this is critical because absolutely nobody should be denied the right or access to free and fair information.

There’s still much more to be done though. America is nothing without its human infrastructure that keeps its capitalistic system going and without those humans America would have nothing.

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