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Here’s what happens if Afghanistan falls to the Taliban

A sparring of words between world governments and the Taliban (yes a terrorist organisation has actual world governments pleading for mercy) has unfolded nearly to the fall of Afghanistan entirely. A shocking new piece in Newsweek paints a picture of a grim future for the country, as the government has largely failed to fend off Taliban ‘s forces against their massive expansion of power in the country.

Experts alike along with international watchdogs fear that the country will fall to the very same people the Americans claimed they spent 20 years fending off. It is one of the greatest failures in history and is poised to cost millions of Afghan people their freedoms; lives, and their loved ones. Girls and women are expected to lose almost all of their freedoms as the terror insurgents are reportedly forging on with their pilage of communities looking for single women to force into unwanted relationships with men.

Women are expected to lose the most as the Taliban feel that women should have no full rights and should be sub-servient to otherwise men who wouldn’t be given a chance walking by on the street.

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