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Young adults are causing India ‘s COVID death toll to spiral

India ‘s death toll is still rising but this time new reports say that young adults are causing it to go even higher.

India ‘s struggle against the novel Coronavirus is only getting worse. Against the backdrop of an unheard of death toll nationwide — young adults are now bearing the brunt of the illness too. The Times of India reports that hospitals are flooded with young adults across states that have no reported underlying conditions. Those young adults are reportedly dying in record numbers and nobody is quite sure why.

“We’re seeing a higher number of young adults in this wave — 60 to 70 percent are younger than 60, of whom more than half are below 45,” said Reshma Tewari, director of critical care at Artemis hospital in the northern city of Gurgaon, in an interview with the Times of India. “Of those in ICU, deterioration is often rapid with many requiring ventilator support and aggressive treatment.”

Many people are fearful that India may never recover.

In the midst of the pandemic, many are blaming the failure of Modi ‘s government for Coronavirus ‘s lethal grip on the nation. Instead of addressing the pandemic, his government has instead focused on government refurbishments for several official places of legislature.

What’s the death toll?

According to the Times, more than 26m people have been infected with some form of the novel Coronavirus. The death toll currently sits at 295,000 people across the country.

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