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The history of our planet may be in remnants of a planet beneath us — The Hunt For Theia

If you’re a science and space buff you’ve probably heard of the theory of Theia before. Though not widely known by the common person, the Theory of Theia originated amid claims that there is remnants of an ancient planet within planet Earth beneath us.

Allegedly according to history, Theia smashed into the earth at one point in time thus creating what would become of the Moon. Though this has not quite been proven to the fullest extent, but, a new study appears to be tackling the hunt for Theia.

The study reportedly claims that bouts of rock in the mantle of the earth likely aren’t actually of earth but rather of the mythical planet known as Theia. Theia is actually named after the Goddess Theia a reference to Greek Mythology.

Interestingly, the same study goes on to claim from Arizona State University that bouts of dense rock that are (“chemically different”) from those that we are familiar with straddle the earth’s core. This has led some to speculate that if the remnants are of Theia — it would be yet another major step in determining parts of humanity ‘s history we aren’t familiar with.

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