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#FarmersProtest everything you need to know and why the Indian Government should be ashamed

Editors note: Despite the Indian Governments’ attempt to shut out the rest of the world from what’s happening around New Delhi and throughout the region they’ve failed. The Farmer ‘s Protests are protest occurring in the nation in response to sudden agricultural reforms that some say will likely favour big business over the little guys.

Here’s what we so know so far:

– Locals near the state of Haryana just outside of New Delhi are calling out reforms that will likely in the end game favour big biz over the little local guys.

-As of Monday, internet access in at least 14 of 22 districts near the are has been suspended by the orders of the government in an effort to stop information from further spreading.

–The protests and violent clashes date back to reforms first brought to pass in September. Like most people around the world, locals reportedly felt at the time that the agricultural reforms would push them out of their livelihoods. The government has not knowingly provided much of a tangible response to that concern.

-The concerns over reforms also coincide with concerns that PM Modi ‘s power may have finally gotten out of control. Right alongside the general concern of press freedom in the country. At least one freelance journalist has been arrested for 14 days on ginned up charges.

This article in Daily News America explains in great details why Indians are angry at their own government.

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