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The chaotic final days of Trump are here and they’re gearing up to be an American Horror Story

Trump ‘s final days in office are shaping up to be nothing short of a wild two weeks that either could be fairly calm (although they won’t be) or could be detrimental to the very near future of the United States. Trump ‘s presidency in itself could be described using such words as: tantrums, misinformation, golfing, and of course extremism. Extremism often even so extreme it makes actual extremism look like a cake walk compared to the damage that the Trump Administration has single-handedly inflicted on the very fabric that America has come to be in modern day.

In his final days, Trump has kept true to the many assumptions that some had about him. Assumptions that were initially ferociously denied by even his most staunch of supporters. Assumptions that would now come into play in a desperate bid to undermine not only American Democracy but to outright disenfranchise voters that simply did nothing more than disagree with his political party.

A fact about the current state of America that should alarm anyone as the United States not only continues to battle a pandemic but furthers its own reckoning about its past; present, and very real political future. The Trumpeteering we are now seeing is not such an act as it was a promise from the beginning. A promise that was disguised as a thinly veiled campaign threat because truth be told it is now evident that Donald Trump never intended to leave office.

His pardon efforts are somewhere landlocked between movie-line worthy crimes and that of a wanna-be autocrat that has little grasp to power and may do anything to retain that power. But for some reason Democrats as they call themselves aren’t checking that power. Well they actually are, but, because the Senate is controlled by Republicans their own power is often checked because without the Senate not much can happen.

Evident because we’re witnessing an act of attempted sedition by the GOP that we probably haven’t seen since the early days of America when the original political parties were duking it over ultimate control. A battle that wagered on whether or not America would be a Democracy or simply join the rest of the world with a parliamentary style government. Obviously the first and not the latter happened, but, without careful intervention America may want to rethink its political future because that could change in a coup.

Whether or not Trump is actually Trumpteering his way through a coupe could be argued; debated, and even rejected. What cannot be argued, thus, is the simplicity of the idea that something is dangerously wrong here. Something is so very wrong that a man who clearly has committed numerous crimes against the United States has all but gotten away with it. A country that has long deemed itself reputable; Democratic, and apparently a country that stands on law and order.

This should be a lesson for the United States that the U.S was never Democratic. It was guised as a Democratic nation because that was how it was originally thought to be. The founding fathers weren’t sure what to make of the United States and eventually led themselves into “Democracy” but in order to do so had to create a series of systems that weren’t built to stand the test of time because they didn’t know what they were doing. They had no idea whether or not Democracy would work as evidenced by political parties; the Electoral College, and at times often the entire judicial system that has existed since the dawn of the ages.

It might be time to overhaul America as we know it. We just haven’t realized that yet because we live in a system that was not designed to be changed as evidenced by the many historical documents that seem to control our very existence.

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