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A judge in India has ruled that it is okay to molest children so long as it is through their clothes

EDITORS NOTE: We understand this headline is rather straight forward and offensive but it illustrates the ruling made by India ‘s Bombay High Court. A female judge has ruled that a man only known as Satish did not commit sexual assault by unlawfully groping a 13-year-old girl’s breast before attempting to remove her skirt.

A female judge in India this week is finding herself and the high court in a bit of a scruffle. On Tuesday, it emerged of a ruling out of the Bombay High Court involving a man known only by his first name “Satish” who several years ago was accused of sexual assault. In 2016, per documents, Satish was accused of unlawfully groping a 13-year-old girl’s breast before attempting to remove her skirt.

As illustrated by the reported ruling and a bizarre one at that, a judge has ruled in the case that initially resulted in charges but then was appealed. According to local news reports,Judge Ganediwala has ruled that because the man did not actually touch the girl ‘s skin he did not sexually assault her.

The ruling has sparked intense backlash online in a country already battered by extreme sexual violence. In recent years, young girls and women have been assaulted; raped, killed, groped, and one cannot forget that notorious story of a young girl being forced into the woods.

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