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U.S officials are aiming to have shots in arms within 96 hours of full vaccine approval

Amid reports that there are allergic reactions to Pfizer ‘s vaccine coming out of the U.K, the U.S is racing to administer its own shots for the first time. Accoring to reports, U.S officials haven’t quite fully got vaccine approvals yet pending at least one more. Despite such officials are concerned that against the backdrop of growing distrust of a process that was rushed through, coupled with disinformation like it’s going out of style from the government, people won’t actually get the vaccination.

“We will start to have shots in arms within 96 hours of EUA,” Gen. Gustave Perna, chief operating officer of Operation Warp Speed, said Tuesday per CNN “That’s what I believe with all my heart.”

It sort of goes without saying that these days the U.S needs to figure something out and fast. Over the past seven days, the U.S has recorded more than 206k cases each and every day. It was an inevitable rise in cases that was bound to happen given the polarisation of mask wearing and adherance to CDC guidelines. Both of those aspects have widely been dismissed as some sort of liberal cabal against the right in the U.S.

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