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Here’s how the hearing on the Affordable Healthcare Act went

Today marked the hearing that many thought was unified to lead to the demise of the Affordable Healthcare Act. However it appears the conservative bloc of the Supreme Court has instead gone against the wishes of the ranks who have long sought to strip Americans of their important healthcare services.

In the hearing, the justices decidedly wrote that instead of striking down the entire act they could instead only strike down the individual mandate. Conservative John Roberts ultimately ruled that:

So here’s some of what they said at least.

It’s hard for you to argue that Congress intended the entire Act to fall if the mandate was struck down,’ Roberts said, noting that in 2017, Congress chose to keep the rest of the law intact and struck down the eventual controversial mandate that many Americans argued wasn’t right and violated their rights.

‘We ask ourselves whether Congress would want the rest of the law to survive if an unconstitutional provision were severed,’ he continued. ‘That seems to be compelling evidence.’

Both Kavanaugh and Roberts agreed that it was not their job or that of the court’s to strike down the entire law. However the individual mandate can be struck down.

It remains to be fully clear exactly how they’ll rule entirely but it appears they’re not in favour of the Republican led effort to get rid of the law. Again it’s also worth noting that Republican led states and even nationwide there has yet to be a GOP proposed alternative to the ACA.

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