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People in South Korea got flu shots, and now they’re dying by the dozen

Editors note: By no means is this article a suggestion that people should avoid vaccinations, however, you should always know what is being put into your body especially from a medical doctor. Vaccinations a crucial part of life — although sometimes they can have very real consequences.


SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA —- Korean authorities are scrambling this evening to determine exactly what happened to at least 13 patients and counting that appear to have died shortly after getting vaccinated for the flu. According to a translated media report from South Korea, the individuals all received the flu shot (ranging from 17 clear to about 85.)

Authorities say that the youngest of the bunch, believed to be 17, died all but two days after getting the vaccination. Police are scrambling to contain already growing mistrust when it comes to vaccines at a time that they’re hoping an eventual Coronavirus vaccine will be widely accepted by the public.

It sounds like some of the flu shot vaccinations may have been damaged during transport according to reports.

“We have not found a direct connection between these deaths and vaccines, or a relationship between the deaths and adverse effects reported after flu shots,” Jung Eun-kyeong, commissioner of the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency, said Wednesday, per the New York Times.

Officials are now worried this will only increase controversy when it comes time for the actual COVID-19 vaccine.

The race to vaccinate South Koreans with the flu shot comes amdi a wider programme to do just that in the area. However, the programme was recently suspended for a short time after it was found that the vials containing the flu shots were transported at room temperature jeopardizing their uniqueness and safety.

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