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Jetpack use, and yes actual jetpacks, are apparently on the rise in Los Angeles

If that headlines sounds like something straight out of a Sci-Fi movie, you’re not alone but then again this isn’t the first time recently that such has happened. According to the FBI; the FAA, and Los Angeles Airport Authorities, an unknown person has been seen flying a jetpack for the 2nd time in less than a month.

Because you’re wondering like we were —- yes jetpacks are apparently real but they’re in limited supply to the public and have almost never been used before by an ordinary person. That is, er, unless you’ve created one at home for your own perusing and it actually worked.

Here’s how it apparently keeps happening.

According to officials — the first sighting was actually by an Air China employee about a month ago who was stunned to see a jetpack in the first place. Even a month later, officials couldn’t quite determine who or perhaps even what was operating the jetpack or better where it may have come from.

CNN reports a similar instance yesterday and now the FBI and the FAA are both investigating.

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