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Johnson & Johnson claims human vaccine trials will start this month

As those who inch closer to making monster profits off of the Coronavirus vaccine race towards helping the U.S government politicize its own vaccine response — it now appears a vaccine is imminent (or possibly.). According to the drug maker (who has a spotty track record of its own), they’ve allegedly managed to conquer relieving hamsters of the severe Coronavirus illness. This comes amid reports that the Trump Administration is privately pressuring the FDA to approve such a vaccine amid the backdrop of untrue claims that a vaccine is being withheld until after the election.

On Thursday, WH Press Sec Kayleigh McEany (who has her own history of lying on the stand) claimed in an open conference that Trump is not actually trying to pressure FDA officials into doing something that could completely backfire. Meanwhile, J&J claims that the hamsters involved in their study managed to produce antibodies with the help of the Ad26-S.PP vaccine. Per the drug maker, Phase III of vaccine trials are set to begin in mid September with some 60,000 volunteers.

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