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Here’s where #Ratched got the idea for their terrifying character in Netflix ‘s newest smash hit

If you’ve spent your Monday like everybody else in the modern world — chances are you’ve seen the new terrifying Netflix show Ratched. To give you a sheer glimpse of the idea of this show — what we will say is this.


Ratched surrounds a prominent a mental institution that employs a nurse named Mildred Ratched. At the hospital — one could reasonably assume they’re up to absolutely no good almost like they were in the real world only a good 60 or so years ago.

As it turns out — Mildred Ratched is actually based on a Nurse character from the iconic novel One Flew Over The Cuckcoo ‘s Nest originally written by Ken Kesey. In fact, the same character would be portrayed in the 1975 film adaptation by the same name.

The entire first season of the web-television series is up on Netflix now. We’re currently watching it and absolutely give it a 5/5 Sarah Paulson is magnificent once again.

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