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White supremacy has taken over America

Make no mistake — in Trump ‘s America Trump is getting and exerting exactly as he wants. Trump’s desire for totalitarian power exists somewhere between the idea that in order to achieve “Greatness” again in America —- black people and their supporters must lower than.

In multiple cities this weekend, right-wing extremists (aka Trump supporters) took over city streets in their vehicles. Intentionally practically overrunning protesters in sidewalks; trampling others, intentionally pointing guns at innocent protesters, meanwhile some are just flat out enjoying throwing around the N-word.

The “dark web” of America has fallen for Trump ‘s game. America is now on a crash course for a Stalin like dictatorship that will once-and-for-all see the United States fall. Such has come at a cost of extremism; divisiveness, and politically charged lies by both the GOP and the Democrats. On one hand, the GOP does nothing but lie extensively and on the other Democrats fail to address it each and every time.

A BLM supporter is attacked by a Trump supporter (black shirt) over the weekend in Portland.

The not-so-surprising result of that is now what we see in the streets. White people so emboldened with their supremacy that they’re willing to kill because they’ve convinced themselves that they’re militia members ready for war. White people so emboldened by their skin color and their master —- that they have no problem calling anyone different than themselves marxists.

One could possibly wonder how so called conservatives can argue that their anger; acts of terrorism (calling it as we see it here), and other various acts that nobody should ever commit are “justified” but when those same acts or similar are done by “black people” it’s a no go.

It’s the hypocrisy for me. Trump supporters time and time again bitch-moan-and-complain about the so-called things they say BLM supporters do but at what point do we hold these degenerates accountable for the actions they themselves are committing? If it’s terrorism when BLM supporters supposedly do it — it most certainly is terrorism when white people do it.

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