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New Releases: Adiisa ‘4 The Culture’

New releases are our favourite type of dish to serve up each week. This week, we bring you ‘4 The Culture’ an EP by Adissa. Adissa features Aidan Alle-Kopas.

Aidan Alle-Kopas is pictured.

‘4 The Culture’ is a modern OD to blackness amid a racial backdrop happening almost universally worldwide. The entirety of the EP pays homage to those lost; those current, and those thriving in their blackness at a time that some feel blackness isn’t enough.

There are people out there who get offended by our blackness. Imagine being that insecure.

4 The Culture, EP Wide Release

But in fact it is. Released this morning on all streaming platforms, the EP is crisp; professionally produced, and lyrically presenting.

EP Rating: 4 Stars

Editors comments: Adiisa served up a hot-take on blackness in an era where blackness otherwise might be considered controversial by the powers that be. While it isn’t controversial — ‘4 The Culture’ ‘s 2nd single More takes on the subject of what it means to be a black man in a world trying to figure out life on his own. Adiisa ‘s debut EP has rightfully earned universal acclaim from our musical editors.

Click the image to be taken to streaming platforms.

Alle-Kopas will be performing live in our first ever concert series to be held digitally through our newspaper. As the world remains on lockdown and struggling to contain the Coronavirus — we’re launching our COVID concert series. Our hope is that a little music and fun conversations can lighten the spirits of our millions of readers around the world.

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