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To the surprise of nobody, the NYPD has been caught selectively enforcing social distancing rules

To the literal fucking surprise of nobody, the NYPD is in the news this weekend for no other reason than the fact they’ve been caught selectively enforcing social distancing rules. According to CBS2, officers have widely (and I mean widely) narrowed their arrests aimed at minority communities across NYC. Communities that were or are already heavily overpoliced as it is.

CBS reports that the NYPD made more than 1m social distancing related contacts between 16 March and 5 May of this year. Of those: 368 summonses and 120 arrests.  Of those arrests — 68% of those arrested were black, 24% were Hispanic, and less than 7% were white.

To make matters worse, the New York Times reports that on the same days most of these arrests occurred officers handed out masks to white visitors and park-goers and largely left groups of white sunbathers alone.

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