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In the U.S? Here’s why the bank may have taken your stimulus check

Turns out there were actually more problems than successes with the government getting stimulus checks to millions of Americans. As it has come to obviously be, the government accidentally sent some to the wrong account; didn’t send others at all, and actually failed to set up the IRS website correctly to handle a massive server overload.

But then there’s more. A ton of customers who did their checks, er, noticed that their checks had entirely disappeared (mostly bank dependent.) They appear to have disappeared because of overdraft balances previously accrued that some banks couldn’t wait to forcibly clear.

This report (see here) shows that a huge number of Americans racked up at least one fee related to overdraft fees and such within their bank. Thankfully, if you’re with one of the big banks (Chase; Wells Fargo, Bank of America) they will not snatch your check and instead help you get out of the hole the best they can.

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