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CDC now says the death rate for people with underlying conditions is at a staggering 6%

The CDC has a grim new stat out today as it has been revealed that officials believe the death rate for those with underlying conditions to be at least 6%. According to the government agency, they looked at 7,162 cases across roughly all 50 U.S states. Among those cases, 37.6% of patients had at least one reported underlying condition.

Of reported patients within those cases that were in the ICU at least 78% of them had at least one pre-existing full health problem. In all, the CDC says 173 patients along with their underlying conditions made up a 6% death rate from COVID-19. As of this writing, there are more than 200k cases in the United States and upwards of 4,000 deaths in total.

According to the reports, it did not include people who came from China to America particularly Wuhan or the Diamond Princess cruise.

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