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As expected, Dr. Birx appeared on Sunday ‘s talk show circuit spinning Trump ‘s distaste for science the best she possibly could

The one thing the Trump Administration is good for at this point is gaslighting the American public. Appearing on Sunday ‘s State of the Union on CNN, Birx universally downplayed Trump ‘s wild comments about disinfectants and light and instead laid the blame entirely upon those reporting the news.

“It bothers me that this is still in the news cycle, because I think we’re missing the bigger pieces of what we need to be doing as an American people to continue to protect one another,” Birx said. “As a scientist and a public health official and a researcher, sometimes I worry that we don’t get the information to the American people that they need when we continue to bring up something that was from Thursday night.”

Birx also confirmed that social distancing measures likely will be in place through summer, upending many plans people probably had for the annual summer-vacays that the travel industry and others wildly depend on.

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