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Understanding *the confusing* world of Twitter engagement rates

With the growth of my Twitter page; this newspaper, and the many other pages and blogs that we own — I’ve learned more and more about what it means to be an “influencer” and how to track statistics that actually matter. Recently, I took a dive into my Twitter analytics for the first time.

Twitter Analytics are defined similarly to Insta analytics and pretty much every other possible platform out there.

  1. Monthly visits
  2. Engagement Rate
  3. Link Clicks

On average, for example, more than 145,000 people every month visit my Twitter profile. According to my own Twitter analytics, my engagement rate across my entire Twitter profile ranges from 2.4% to a high of 3.6%.

My engagement rate has organically grown through tangible discussions; marketing, engaging with my almost 30k followers, and learning how tn navigate self-promotion. Growing my Twitter audience has been quite the journey actually, and I learn more each day.

I’ve learned that there’s apparently an algorithm used to calculate engagement rates (as seen here). For those interested in influencership; influencer marketing and the like, you should probably check it out.

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