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As Australia burns, climate change has become more real than ever before

Parts of Australia right now are so hot record temperatures are hitting the history books. Those record temperatures have resulted in brushfires so wild that mankind probably and likely has never seen such before. Parts of NSW; Victoria, and several beach front communitites are quite literally engfuled in flames/trapped.

Officials are out this morning with estimates that roughly 4k people are trapped alonng beachfront communities along the coast. Those people have no way out of the area and are enclosed by the brushfires. High winds; climate change, soaring temperatures, and other factors are all contributing to the disaster in the area.

Australia ‘s uber-powerful coal mining industry is in a large part to blame for the climate crisis in the country according to scientists; researchers, and numerous reports on the matter.

We’ll be covering this more as we head into Tuesday ‘s headlines.

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