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Instant News: Mom sues St. Louis County to overturn daughters’ legal emancipation + gender transition

In the anti-gay world there are usually no places in which one will stop to push their agenda. For one young person who transitioned at their own discretion (following a legal emancipation) they’re living an outright nightmare thanks to their own anti-gay mother.

LGBTQ Nation picked up a bizarre story about one teen identified only as E.J.K. E.J.K moved out Anmarie Calgaro ‘s home in 2015 after a number of wide-ranging issues due to being in the gay community and openly having expressed “sinful” desires (per her Mom).

The story takes a turn considering E.J.K legally emancipated herself at the age of 15 after being severely neglected. She then went on to reportedly become financially stable; sufficient, and managed to do much of her life on her own. Now? Calgaro herself after losing several court battles on a state/local level demanding her (now 18+ in age daughter) be reversed to what she was before — she’s taking her case to the Supreme Court.

But she isn’t quite suing her daughter… not this time. Instead she’s suing St. Louis County claiming that they violated her due process rights as a parent (“by emancipating a minor so she could perform a procedure”) that Calgaro ultimately was not okay with.

But truth be told, she was over the age of 18 by the time she actually transitioned.

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