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Knowing What Flooring Is Good For Your Home Gym

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Good flooring is definitely required for any home gym, most especially when the room has hardwood floors tiles or polished concrete that can be damaged easily. Exercise room should be strong but must also be adaptable enough to suit a variety of motions. Before you decide, here are tips on how to select the right flooring for your home gym.

Things To Consider

  1. Safety. Safety always comes first. Home gym flooring should prevent yourself and your home exercise equipment from the danger of sliding and slipping while you get your sweat on.


  1. Heavy Load. Obviously, weights and other gym items are purposely heavy, not to mention the exercise machines that you use to make your body fit and healthy. Due to this, you must choose a flooring that is durable enough to accommodate the load. Having that said, you might need some reinforcement for the bottom of the house no matter what type of flooring you get.


  1. Heavy Impact. Bear in mind that fitness machines can create heavy impacts every time you use them. If the floor cracks easily once you drop something, it is not suitable and should be replaced immediately.


  1. Comfort. Some of the activities inside the gym, such as yoga and stretching, requires close surface contact. Therefore, you need a flooring that is comfortable but also tough enough to withstand long-term pressure and sudden impacts.


These four points are reasons why using home gym flooring is better than carpet. What about concrete substrates? There is no doubt that it is the best choice when it comes to long-term support of weight. But when it comes to impact absorption, it is not fit to do the job. Fixing a cracked floor just add up to the problem rather than a solution.

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Flooring Options For Your Home Gym

Let us take a closer look at these five best flooring options.

  1. Foam Flooring

Foam flooring brings a comfortable feel that eases some workout techniques like sit-ups and stretching. It provides a safe surface to walk on and a solid bottom that won’t slip around. It is affordable and easy to maintain. Since it is sold in interlocking mat options and it is lightweight, you can also use it to create a temporary exercise space in other rooms. Available in a wide choice of colors.

The drawback is that foam is highly susceptible to cuts and deformation. Therefore, it is a poor choice for areas with heavy gym equipment. It does not get back to its original shape if compressed for too long.

  1. Carpet Tiles

Carpet tiles are also ideal for body workouts because they can provide a soft cushioned effect. It is easy to clean and can last for many years. Affordable and can create a very homely appearance.


The downside is that they will stretch over time. They are not moisture resistant and they can be smelly, particularly when not maintained regularly.


  1. Vinyl Tiles

This flooring has high resistance to mildew, mold, and chemicals plus is it is easy to clean and to install. Available with many designs and colors to choose from.


Howbeit, vinyl tiles do not absorb as much shock as foam or rubber flooring.


  1. Cork Flooring

Cork is eco-friendly. It can absorb impact and is comfortable. If you do a lot of high-impact, high-intensity workouts it can be a good choice.  


But cork flooring has durability issues. It can easily be torn and damaged just by dragging a piece of gym equipment over it. This will mean spending a lot of money every time you replace a ruined cork.


  1. Rubber Flooring

Rubber floorings are extremely durable. Virgin rubber turns to be the best but you can also have a cheaper option with recycled rubber. Available in a variety of thickness and colors. Rubber has a great impact absorption that can prevent serious damage on floors caused by heavy gym equipment. It has anti-slip surface to avoid slips and falls. It can also reduce noise caused by vibrating gym equipment.


Rubber rolls are not the easiest to lay and not easily adapted to odd-shaped rooms as well. Rubber tiles need to be taped or glued for they are prone to separation. Seams make it vulnerable to water and dirt.

The Verdict

There are options to choose from when it comes to flooring. You just have to determine the activities in your home gym to find out what flooring suits your requirements. You can visit flooring installation Dallas for more information.

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