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There are top secret tapes of MLK inside the National Archives: Report

A stunning new revelation from the FBI apparently claims that officials have long been in custody of a tape that shows Martin Luther King laughing during a rape.

The revelations come from an apparent author and appear to be backed by FBI transcripts and the like obtained in relation to the audio tapes. The audio tapes, we’ve discovered, are under secured lock-and-key inside the National Archives.

The author in question claims that the tapes were recorded using surveillance bugs inside the Willard Hotel in 1964. That year MLK notably stayed at the hotel during the run-up to one of his speeches also involving local parishoners.

The tapes will not actually be released to the public until 2027. They were originally ordered recorded and then sealed by J. Edgar Hoover — who had a hard-on for MLK for most of his political reign-of-terror.

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