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NYT prints Kavanaugh ‘s shocking letter

Brett Kavanaugh ‘s own letter, uh, may end up being the holy-grail that sinks his own Supreme Court hopes.  The New York Times has unearthed a rather ancient artifact, that,   has some pretty telling details inside of it.

Weirdly, one opening line of the letter is standing out to  others. “Any girls that we invite to the party, are, invited with open” reads part of the letter.  While responses are mixed, the New York Times, remains straightforward in its response as to why it published Kavanaugh ‘s letter.

The letter goes on to state that the party-goers “should warn the neighbors upon arrival, that, we are drunk; young, and have prolific pukers among ourselves” Kavanaugh wrote towards the end of the letter. Meanwhile, some 1,000 law professors have reportedly signed a letter urging the Senate to reject Kavanaugh all together.

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