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5 Fast Facts About Billionaire Heir John Paul Getty III

With the premiere   of FX’s Trust, one of America’s wealthiest families has been thrust back into the spotlight.      Trust surrounds the lives of the Getty Family and the aforementioned John Paul Getty —   who today have a believed net worth of $5billion.

As a family,   the family’s net worth and massive fortune traces back to when oil and such were a big thing in America. According to Forbes,     the family remains among the 50 wealthiest families in America.     The family’s latest stint in the spotlight on FX surrounds the film  itself, and   the what was the kidnapping of John Paul Getty III.  The  abduction first occurred in 1973, but, at the time nobody really thought that it was a real thing.

Here are 5 interesting facts about Getty III and the family that enshrined American wealth for much of the 20th century.

  • Getty III was kidnapped in Italy in 1973 allegedly by the Italian mob.
  • He was blindfolded;   kidnapped, and transported to Calabria in Italy.
  • The kidnappers demanded $17m  in ransom (equal to about $92m in today’s money).
  • At first his family thought it was a plot by the young getty to extract money from his wealthy grandfather.
  • Getty was eventually released for about $2.9m  in financial means of the time. He was then required to pay it back at 4% interest to his grandfather.  (the remainder beyond the tax deductible amount of $2.2m).

The show Trust largely surrounds this, and, consists of 10 episodes for the first season.  John Paul Getty III actually died in 2011.

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